Google CEO Sundar Pichai told the BBC that “a free and open internet is a great force for good” and that “we take it for granted a little bit.” “In each country, there is currently a debate about what speech is acceptable and what should be permitted… in some ways, I believe we are removing ourselves from the larger picture (which is that) many countries around the world are restricting the flow of information and drawing much more rigid boundaries,” he said. He also said that nations with strong democratic traditions and values should take a stance against the possible fragmentation of the internet, which he believes will occur. It was just a few days ago that the Indian government approved new information technology regulations requiring social media companies to designate a grievance officer and to identify the original originator of a post if the platform has more than 50 lakh members. Google released its monthly transparency report last month, following the regulations, as required. Google, on the other hand, has claimed that the new information technology regulations do not apply to the company’s search engine. Also addressed were the issues around taxes, privacy, and big data. Pichai said that artificial intelligence is the “most profound technology” — even deeper than the invention of fire, electricity, or the internet. In his keynote address, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that artificial intelligence and quantum computing are two technologies that would fundamentally alter the world during the next quarter-century. “Quantum is not going to be effective in every situation. When it comes to some tasks, the way we now approach computers would always be preferable. However, there are certain problems for which quantum computing will open the door to a whole new set of answers.” When it comes to quantum computing, it goes beyond the states of matter, which are 1 and 2, and operates at the subatomic level, where matter may act in a variety of ways. According to the study, quantum computers are comprised of qubits, which take into account the likelihood that matter is in one of many different states. The CEO of both Google and its parent firm Alphabet, who was born in Tamil Nadu, has also said that India is deeply ingrained in him and that it is a significant part of who he is. “Although I am an American citizen, India has a stronghold on my heart. As a result, it is an important element of my identity “Pichai made the statement.