According to the article, which cites photos seen by Android Police, indicated that the device will feature removable, Joy-Con-like, SD-card slots, Android 12, and (of course) 5G. A large 6,000mAh battery is also mentioned and confirmed by Rahman. While the dimension of the body is not clear, Rahman tweeted that the screen may be 6.65-cm (6.2″ on switch screen and at 720p) with a resolution of at least 1080p. He also said it would have a fan. The appliance sounds like a large smartphone, but the device can be no bad thing — it looks like a giant phone as well. It does not seem bad. However, it also has a library of excellent games that can only play, the greatest draw. Or at least if it tries to sell the device to people — the article by Android Police shows that Qualcomm wishes to make it available for sale, possibly in retainer shops. The price target for the device is also $300, the same as an entire switch. It also says that. Today the Realme GT 5G cost about $430 for the cheapest phone I find with the Qualcomm 888 flagship chipset (and is only sold in China). Rahman notes, however, that its source considered the product to be nearer than anything that would ever be seen in the shops. Chip manufacturers, including Qualcomm, also produce samples to support other companies in designing their SOCs or radios. These reference products are often even marketed by other businesses, known as whitelabeling, under various brands. It should be noted that there is some uncertainty in the disagreement between the sources from Qualcomm itself —AP thinks that this project is nearly a year from its conclusion. Whether or not the device ends up as a product (it would easily be cancelled before it appears public), Qualcomm does indeed design and build a specific Android gaming device. It is understandable that Nvidia’s handheld shield ideas have morphed into Nintendo Switches with high-powered gaming phones, Windows PCs with Switch-like form factors, and a variety of mods, classic handheld refurbishments and novelty pocket gaming systems.