Part Time Scientists a year ago to look at a prior variant of their four-wheel-drive meanderer as it motored over a recreated lunar environment, testing to guarantee the wanderer’s optical frameworks would work in the cruel conditions on the moon.

The meanderer should hereafter be known as the Audi Lunar Quattro. It absolutely satisfies the naming criteria, with four-wheel autonomous commute, and the brushed aluminum completion fits conveniently inside of the Audi stylish, as well.

Audi said in a press conference on Thursday that it is supporting the Part Time Scientists with its information in a few tech fields, “from quattro all-wheel drive and lightweight development to electric portability and steered driving.” notwithstanding know-how, Audi will ideally give the group the financing it needs to get their wanderer up where it has a place.

Audi and Part Time Scientists want to dispatch to the moon in 2017. However, with two other GLXP groups, Astrobotic and Hakuto, wanting to make their dispatch in 2016, Audi may be entering the race a smidgen late. Despite who arrives in the first place, it will be a big achievement for entire mankind.